What is Hangoutwithfans all about?
It's a social media app that offers a unique opportunity for users to plan and participate in various activities with their favorite celebrities, influencers, and friends. Users can create memorable moments by engaging in activities such as movies, public or private hangouts, trips, parties, and events.

 How do you use the app?
To use the app, users can simply search for the profile of the person they want to hang out with and invite them to participate in a specific activity. They can provide all necessary details such as the picture to highlight the hangout, a description of the hangout, the price they are willing to offer, date and time of the hangout.
When the person receives the notification, they can verify the user's profile, credibility, and ratings/reviews before accepting the invitation. Upon acceptance, the user will receive a payment on their wallet tab, and the invitee will receive an approval notification.
 What is a Private hangout?
 Private hangout: a one-on-one hangout where user A invites and pays user B a certain amount to hangout by simply going to user B's profile and clicking on the "Invite To Hangout" button and then provide all necessary details such as the location, hangout description, price he/she is offering, date and time of the hangout.

 Public Hangout: a user is able to publicly post a Hangout invite on the timeline showing the Hangout description, price, date, time, and location. This is basically where one person invites one or more users to join him/her for a hangout. The inviter will stipulate an amount to be paid by those willing to join him/her on the hangout. Those interested will then pay the stipulated amount to join the hangout and get a chance to mingle and make new connections with like-minded individuals.

How to Create a Public and Private Hangout?
You just need to browse to your home page and then click hangout, drag the picture of your hangout invite and then you follow the prompts and then you post publicly.
For private hangouts, just go to the user's profile, invite and pay the user for the hangout then show all the descriptions of the hangout invite, time, location, and the amount offered and finally, you post.
 What are checking points
Are just restaurants where investors and invitees can meet their hangouts. They can even book a table and pre-order their food and beverages.

 What is Self Check-in?
Self Check-in happens in private hangouts where the two users will be able to approve payments by scanning the QR code. When the person receives the notification, they can verify the user's profile, credibility, and ratings/reviews before accepting the invitation. Upon acceptance, the user will receive a payment on their wallet tab, and the invitee will receive an approval notification
 Creating events and ticket management?
Browse through the home page, click event, create new events then fill in the description of the events including; time, date, place and the number of invites required then save. After saving the inviter is able to manage the tickets by creating new tickets.
 How do I create a profile?
You can create a profile by downloading the app or visiting the website and following the
prompts for new users to register first then upon your profile is created.
 How do you upload and change a profile picture?
Go to profile and click the profile picture to upload and change it.
 How do I delete a post
Click on the three dots on the post, click on the DELETE button and press OKAY.
 How do you edit your profile?
Go to the home menu, click the profile and then you will be able to edit your profile including
your username and your profile privacy to count but a few.
 How do you sign in?
It works like any other social media platform, to sign up you just have to sign in/log in using our website, and fill in your email and your personal password but as for Android users, they have to 1st download our App from the Google play store.
 What are credits?
Credits are the stated amount of money or the price charged for a hangout invite.

 How do you purchase and withdraw credits?
Go to the home page, scroll down, and click wallet and then you are able to purchase and
withdraw credits
1 credit= 1 US Dollar ($)

 Is it free to join the platform?
Yes, it is free to join and use the basic features of the social media platform. However, as a user you, need to follow more than 10 people after signing in with the application, after that you are also required to activate your Home View by posting more than three posts.

 Can I connect with people outside my country?
Yes, you can connect with people from all around the world, and you not just connected but
you can make and discuss a means to hang out together depending on your agreements.

 Is there an age limit for using the social media platform? The minimum age to join the platform is 16 years old.

 How to report a user inciting violence or hate speech?
You quickly navigate through the three dots on your far right on the post and tap report or

 What kind of content can one post on the App?
Any information that does not incite violence, hate speech, discrimination, and any information
that promotes racism.

 How do I deactivate my account?
On your profile page, click the EDIT PROFILE button and scroll down to the bottom of the post page. Click DEACTIVATE ACCOUNT and press CONFIRM.

 How do I delete my account?

On your profile page, click the EDIT PROFILE button and scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click DELETE ACCOUNT and press CONFIRM
 How do I get verified on Hangoutwithfans?
On your profile, click on the GET VERIFIED button. Upload your ID picture, Upload 2 selfie images of yourself matching the ID. Link your other social media links and if you fit the Hangoutwithfans qualifications, you will get verified.

To request verification on our platform, you need to meet the following requirements:
1. You must have an authentic profile that proves you are a real person, business, or entity. You will be asked to provide official identification documents such as an ID.

2. You must have a complete profile that includes registration, a profile picture, and a bio on the Hangoutwithfans. You must also show some activity on our platform by following at least 10 other users and having at least 1000 followers.

3. You must have a unique profile that represents yourself or your business. You must not create or operate multiple accounts for the same person, business, or entity.

4. You must have a notable profile that represents a publicly known, highly searched person, business, or entity that has been featured in multiple, authentic new sources. These new sources must not be paid for or sponsored by you or anyone affiliated with you.
5. You must have a minimum requirement of at least 10,000 followers on Instagram, 2,000 followers on Twitter, and 1,000 followers on Hangoutwithfans. YouTube will be measured by the number of subscribers and watch hours their channel has accumulated over the past 12 months. They will need to have at least 1,000 subscribers who have chosen to follow your channel and see your videos in their feed, and need to have at least 4,000 hours of total watch time, which is the amount of time that viewers have spent watching your videos in the past year.
If users meet these requirements, they can submit their request for verification through our app or website. The team will review their request and notify them of the outcome within a few

weeks. However, meeting these requirements will not guarantee verification. We reserve the right to approve or reject any request at our sole discretion.
T&Cs apply. .